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Библиография 719 8. David R. Musser, Atul Saini STL Tutoiial and Reference Guide С++ Programming with the Standard Template Library Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996 9. Mark Nelson С++ Programmers Guide to the Standard Template Library IDG Books Worldwide, Foster City, CA, 1995 10. ObjectSpace Systems <Toolkit> UNIX Reference Manual ObjectSpace. 1995 11. P.J. Plauger The Draft Standard С++ Library Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995 12. Bjarne Stroustrup The С++ Programming Language, 3rd edition Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1997 13. Bjarne Stroustrup The Design and Evolution of C+ + Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994 14. Steve Teale С++ LOStreams Handbook Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1993 Алфавитный указатель abort(), 85 abs(), 131,522,551,557 accumulateO, 414 acos(), 551, 556 addressO, 712 acljacent difference(), 419 adjacent find(), 351 adjustfield, 593 advance(), 265 allocateO, 702, 712 allocator type, 235, 253, 508 alnum, 690 alpha, 690 always noconv(), 695 any(), 448 app, 606 appendO, 473, 497 applyO, 549 arg(). 522 argc, 37, 608 argv, 37,608 asin(), 551, 556 assignO, 160, 171, 176, 241, 472, 660 at(), 161, 172, 242, 495 atan(), 551, 556 atan2(), 551,556 ate, 606 atexitO, 85 auto ptr, 54, 56, 67 auto ptr ref, 69 back(), 161, 243, 435 back mserter, 118, 277 bad(), 573 bad alloc, 43 bad cast, 43 bad exception, 44 bad typeid, 44 badbit, 571 baseO, 274 basefield, 596 basic filebuf, 602 basic fstream, 602 basic ifstream, 602 basic ios, 563 basic istream, 563 basic istnngstream, 619 basic ofstream, 602 basic ostream, 563 basic ostringstream, 620 basic streambuf, 641 basic string, 462 basic stringbuf, 620 basic stringstreain, 620 beg, 610 beginO, 96, 162, 177, 190, 207. 244 binary, 606 binary function, 312 binary search(), 400 bindlst, 307 bind2nd, 142,307 bitset, 444 Blitz, 525 bool ввод, 592 вывод, 592 тип, 34 boolalpha, 592 Boost, 229 С, локальный контекст, 667 c str, 495, 605 capacityO, 157, 238, 492 catalog, 699 ceil(), 556 сегг, 560, 613 char. 73, 689 chartraits, 565, 660 char type, 660, 661 cin, 560 classic(), 675 classic table, 691 clear(), 93, 165, 171, 250, 500, 573 clog, 560 closeO, 699 cntrl, 690 codecvt, 693 collate, 697 combine(), 674 compareO, 493, 660, 698 complex, 510 compose f gx, 313 compose f gx hx, 313 compose f gx hy, 313 compose f gxy, 313 conjO, 521 consc cast, 36 const iterator, 98, 234 const mem fun ref t, 310 const mem fun t, 310 const mem funl ref t, 310 const mem funl t, 310 const pointer, 490, 712 constreference, 234, 489, 711 const reverse iterator, 235 constructO, 702, 712 container type, 434 copyO, 358 copy backwardO, 358 copy event, 635 copyfmtO, 591 copyfmt(), 634 cos(). 525, 551, 556 cosh(), 525,551,556 countO, 337,448 count if(), 337 cout, 560, 613 ctype base, 690 cur, 610 С-строки, 454 dataO, 495 date order, 682 dateorder, 683 deallocateO, 702, 712 dec манипулятор, 597 флаг, 596 decimal point, 685 denorm absent, 77 denorm indeterminate, 77 denorm min(), 74 denorm present, 77 destroyO, 702. 712 difference type, 235, 489, 710 digit, 690 digits. 74, 446 digitslO, 74 distanceO, 265, 267, 290 div(), 557 divides, 305 domain error, 45 double, 73 dynamic cast, 35 element type, 66 emptyO, 176, 187, 204, 237, 434 end, 610 endO, 96, 162, 190,207,507 endl, 561 ends, 561
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