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Программирование >> Полиморфизм без виртуальных функций в с++
[Kernighan, 1976] Brian Kernighan and P.J. Plauger: Software Tools. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1976. ISBN 0-201-03669. [Kernighan, 1978] Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie: The С Programming Language. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1978. ISBN 0-13-110163-3. [Kernighan,1981] Brian Kernighan: Why Pascal is not my Favorite Programming Language. AT&T Bell Labs Computer Science Technical Report No 100. July 1981. [Kernighan, 1984] Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike: The UNIX Programming Environment. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1984. ISBN 0-13-937699-2. [Kernighan, 1988] Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie: The С Programming Language (second edition). Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1988. ISBN 0-13-110362-8. [Kiczales,1992] Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Rivieres, and Daniel G. Bobrow: The Art of the Metaobject Protocol. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1991. ISBN 0-262-11158-6. [Koenig, 1988] Andrew Koenig: Associative arrays in С++. Proc. USENIX Conference. San Francisco, CA. June 1988. [Koenig, 1989] Andrew Koenig and Bjarne Stroustrup: С++; As close to С as possible -but no closer The С++ Report. July 1989. [Koenig, 1989b] Andrew Koenig and Bjarne Stroustrup: Exception Handling for С++. Proc. <C++at Work Conference. November 1989. [Koenig, 1990] Andrew Koenig and Bjarne Stroustrup: Exception Handling for С++ (revised). Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. San Francisco, CA. April 1990. Also, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. July 1990. [Koenig, 1991] Andrew Koenig: Applicators, Manipulators, and Function Objects. C++Journal, vol. 1,#1. Summer 1990. [Koenig, 1992] Andrew Koenig: Space Efficient Trees in С++. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Portland, OR. August 1992. [Krogdahl, 1984] Stein Krogdahl: An Efficient Implementation of Simula Classes with Multiple Prefixing. Research Report No 83. June 1984. University of Oslo, Institute of Informatics. [Lea, 1990] Doug Lea and Marshall P. Cline: The Behavior of С++ Classes. Proc. ACM SOOPPA Conference. September 1990. [Lea, 1991] Doug Lea: Personal Communication. [Lea, 1993] Doug Lea: The GNU С++ Ubrary. The С++ Report. June 1993. [Lenkov,1989] Dmitry Lenkov: С++ Standardization ProposaL #X3J 11/89-016. [Lenkov, 1991 ] Dmitry Lenkov, Michey Mehta, and Shankar Unni: Type Identification in С++. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Washington, DC. April 1991. [Linton, 1987] Mark A. Linton and Paul R. Calder: The Design and Implementation of Interviews. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Santa Fe, NM. November 1987. [Lippman, 1988] Stan Lippman and Bjarne Stroustrup: Pointers to Class Members in С++. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Denver, CO. October 1988. [Uskov, 1979] Barbara Liskov, et al.: CLU Reference manual. MlT/LCSДR-225. October 1979. [Liskov, 1987] Barbara Liskov: Data Abstraction and Hierarchy. Addendum to Proceedings of OOPSLA87. October 1987. [Madsen, 1993] Ole Lehrmann Madsen, et al.: Object-Oriented Programming in the Beta Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1993. ISBN 0-201-62430. Таблица 2 (продолжение) [McCluskey, 1992] [Meyer. 1988] [Miller, 1988] [Mitciiell,1979] [Murray, 1992] [Nelson,1991] [Rose, 1984] [Parrington,1990] [Reiser, 1992] [Richards, 1980] [Rovner,1986] [Russo,1988] [Russo, 1990] [Sakkinen, 1992] [Sethi, 1980] [Sethi, 1981] [Sethi, 1989] [Shopiro,1985] [Shopiro, 1987] [Shopiro,1989] [Schwarz, 1989] Glen McCluskey: An Environment for Template Instantiation. The С++ Report. February 1992. Bertrand Meyer: Object-Oriented Software Construction. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1988. ISBN 0-13-629049. William M. Miller: Exception Handling without Language Extensions. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Denver CO. October 1988. James G. Mitchell, et.al.: Mesa Language Manual. XEROX PARC, Palo Alto, CA. CSL-79-3. April 1979. Rob Murray: A Statically Typed Abstract Representation for С++ Programs. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Portland, OR. August 1992. Nelson, G. (editor): Systems Programming with Modula-3. Prentice-Hall, Englew/ood Cliffs, NJ. 1991. ISBN 0-13-590464-1. Leonie V. Rose and Bjarne Stroustrup: Complex Arithmetic in С++. Internal AT&T Bell Labs Technical Memorandum. January 1984. Reprinted in AT&T С++ Translator Release Notes. November 1985. Graham D. Parrlngton: Reliable Distributed Programming in С++. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. San Francisco, CA. April 1990. John F. Reiser: Static Initializers: Reducing the Value-Added Tax on Programs. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Portland, OR. August 1992. Martin Richards and Colin Whitby-Strevens: BCPL - the language and its compiler Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 1980. ISBN 0-521-21965-5. Paul Rovner: Extending Modula-2 to Build Large, Integrated Systems. IEEE Software Vol 3, No 6, November 1986. Vincent F. Russo and Simon M. Kaplan: A С++ Interpreter for Scheme. Proc. USENIX C++Conference. Denver, CO. October 1988. Vincent F. Russo, Peter W. Madany, and Roy H. Campbell: С++ and Operating Systems Performance: A Case Study. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. San Francisco, CA. April 1990. Markku Sakkinen: A Critique of the Inheritance Principles of С++. USENIX Computer Systems, vol 5, no 1, Winter 1992. Ravi Sethi: A case study in specifying the semantics of a programming language. Seventh Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. January 1980. Ravi Sethi: Uniform Syntax for Type Expressions and Declarators. Software - Practice and Experience, Vol 11. 1981. Ravi Sethi: Programming Languages - Concepts and Constructs. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1989. ISBN 0-201-10365-6. Jonathan E. Shopiro: Strings and Lists for С++. AT&T Bell Labs Internal Technical Memorandum. July 1985. Jonathan E. Shopiro: Extending the С++ Task System for Real-Time Control. Proc. USENIX С++ Conference. Santa Fe, NM. November 1987. Jonathan E. Shopiro: An Example of Multiple Inheritance in С++: A Model of the Iostream Ubrary. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. December 1989. Jerry Schwarz: lostreams Examples. AT&T С++ Translator Release Notes. June 1989. Таблица 2 (продолжение) [Snyder, 1986] [Stal,1993] [Stepanov,1993] [Stroustrup, 1978] [Stroustrup, 1979] [Stroustrup, 1979b] [Stroustrup, 1980] [Stroustrup, 1980b] [Stroustrup, 1981] [Stroustrup, 198 lb] [Stroustrup, 1982] [Stroustrup, 1982b] [Stroustrop,1984] [Stroustrup, 1984b] [Stroustrup, 1984c] [Stroustrup, 1985] [Stroustrup, 1986] [Stroustrup, 1986b] [Stroustrup, 1986c] [Stroustrup, 1987] Alan Snyder: Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming Languages. Proc. OOPSLA86. September 1986. Michael Stal and Uwe Stelnmbller: Generic Dynamic Arrays. The С++ Report. October 1993. Alexander Stepanov and David R. Musser: Algorithm-Oriented Generic Software Library Development. HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-92-65. November 1993. Bjarne Stroustrup: On Unifying Module Interfaces. ACM Operating Systems Review Vol 12 No 1. January 1978. Bjarne Stroustrup: Communication and Control in Distributed Computer Systems. Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University, 1979. Bjarne Stroustrup: An Inter-Module Communication System for a Distributed Computer System. Proc. 1st International Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems. October 1979. Bjarne Stroustrup: Classes: An Abstract Data Type Facility for the С Language. Bell Laboratories Computer Science Technical Report CSTR-84. April 1980. Revised, August 1981. Revised yet again and published as [Stroustrup, 1982]. Bjarne Stroustrup: A Set of С Classes for Co-routine Style Programming. Bell Laboratories Computer Science Technical Report CSTR-90. November 1980. Bjarne Stroustrup: Long Return: A Technique for Improving The Efficiency of Inter-Module Communication. Software Practice and Experience. January 1981. Bjarne Stroustrup: Extensions of the С Language Type Concept. Bell Labs Internal Memorandum. January 1981. Bjarne Stroustrup: Classes: An Abstract Data Type Facility for the С Language. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. January 1982. Revised version of [Stroustrup, 1980]. Bjarne Stroustrup: Adding Classes to C: An Exercise in Language Evolution. Bell Laboratories Computer Science internal document. April 1982. Software: Practice & Experience, Vol 13. 1983. Bjarne Stroustrup: The С++ Reference Manual. AT&T Bell Labs Computer Science Technical Report No 108. January 1984. Revised, November 1984. Bjarne Stroustrup: Operator Overloading in С++. Proc. IFIP WG2.4 Conference on System Implementation Languages: Experience & Assessment. September 1984. Bjarne Stroustrup: Data Abstraction in C. Bell Labs Technical Journal. Vol 63, No 8. October 1984. Bjarne Stroustrup: An Extensible I/O Facility for С++. Proc. Summer 1985 USENIX Conference. June 1985. Bjarne Stroustrup: The С++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1986. ISBNO-201-12078-X. Bjarne Stroustrup: What is Object-Oriented Programming? Proc. 14th ASU Conference. August 1986. Revised version in Proc. ECOOP87, May 1987, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 276. Revised version in IEEE Software Magazine. May 1988. Bjarne Stroustrup: An Overview of С++. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. October 1986. Bjarne Stroustrup: Multiple Inheritance/or С++. Proc. EUUG Spring Conference, May 1987. Also, USENIX Computer Systems, Vol 2 No 4. Fall 1989.
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