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Bid LoadFromFile (char *File, ListBox lb)

char 5 [300] ; FILE *fp; int i; i=0;

lb->Items->Clear () ; if(!(fp=fopen(File, r ))) {

MessageBox::Show( Ошибка открытия файла , Приложение 54 , MessageBoxButtons::OK,MessageBoxIcon::Asterisk); return;

whiledfeof (fp)) {

fgets(s,300,fp); String dd = gcnew String(s); /*этот способ конвертирования не удаляет последний управляющий символ, который надо удалить:*/ int j=dd->Length-l; dd=dd->Substring(О,j); lb->Items->Add(dd); i++;

i / </summary>

[jystem::ComponentModel:: Container components; iragma region Windows Form Designer generated code <summary>

Required method for Designer support - do not modify / the contents of this method with the code editor. Ill I </summary>

void InitializeConponent(void) I

this->buttonl = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button()); this->listBoxl = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListBox()); this->openFileDialogl = (gcnew

System::Windows::Forms::OpenFileDialog()); this->button2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button()) ; this->SuspendLayout 0;


this->buttonl->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 1); this->buttonl->Name = L buttonl ,-

this->buttonl->Size = System::Drawing::Size(156, 23); this->buttonl->TabIndex = 0;

this->buttonl->Text = L Bbi6paTb текстовый файл ; this->buttonl->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this->buttonl->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Forml::buttonl Click);


this->listBoxl->FormattingEnabled = true;

this->listBoxl->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 30); this->listBoxl->Name = L listBoxl ;

this->listBoxl->Size = System::Drawing::Size(156, 30); this->listBoxl->TabIndex = 1;


this->openFileDialogl->FileName = L openFileDialogl ; this->openFileDialogl->Filter = L Text files (*.txt)*.txtWord files (*.doc)I*.doc ;

Компоненты, создающие интерфейс между пользователем и приложением 469 II

II button2

is->button2->Location = System: : Drawing: : Point (180, 1); -jis->button2->Name = L button2 ;

.iis->button2->Size = System: :Drawing: :Size (25, 73); tliis->button2->TabIndex = 2;

iis->button2->Text = Ь Выход ; tiiis->button2->0seVisualStyleBackColor = true; :his->button2->Click += gcnew System: :EventHandler (this,

SForml: :button2 Click) ;

Forml II

:rds->AutcScaleDimensions = System:: Drawing: :SizeF(6, 13); j.is->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows: :Forms: :AutoScaieMode: :Font; Jis->ClientSize = System::Drawing: :Size (218, 74); iiis->Controls->Add (this->button2); -.tis->Ccntrols->Add(this->listBoxl) ; :liis->Controls->Add (this->buttonl); .)-is->Name = L Forml ; iis->Text = L Forml ; Jiis->ResumeLayout (false);

(pragma endregion

private: System: :Void buttonl Click(System: :Object sender. System:: EventArgs e) I

/*3начения OK,Cancel... достаются как System::Windows: :Forms::DialogResult::

(мы разрабатываем приложения типа Windows Forms и данные берем из класса Forms)*/

Istream s; в Forml задано свойство DialogResult=OK и с ним будет сравниваться ShowDialog ()

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