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Программирование >> Элементы языков с и с++
запомнить позицию разделителя (начало)в новой строке outl: ArStart[Arl=j; i; * j if (P запомнить позицию разделителя (длина): ArLen[Ar]=i - ArStart[Ar] -1; Ar++; Ns[0]=Ar; out[0]=outl; / </suinmary> System::ComponentModel::Container components; ipragma region Windows Form Designer generated code / <summary> / Required method for Designer support - do not modify / the contents of this method with the code editor. / </summary> void InitializeComponent(void) { this->buttonl = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button()); this->linkLabell = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::LinkLabel()); this->button2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button()>; this->textBoxl = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox()); this->textBox2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox()); this->labell = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); this->label2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); this->SuspendLayout(); I (шпоненты, создающие интерфейс между пользователем и приложением [11 [ buttoni ->buttonl->Location = System::Drawing::Point{19, 17); ruis->buttonl->Name = L buttonl ; [this->buttonl->Size = System: : Drawing:: Size (18, 75); lthis->buttonl->TabIndex = 4; s->buttonl->Text = Ь Выход ; ->buttonl->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; rthis->buttonl->Click += gcnew System: :EventHandler (this, UFoml:: buttoni Click); III linkLabell Lus->linkLabell->AutoSize = true; this->linkLabell->LinkArea = System: :Windows: :Forms: :LinkArea(0, 8); this->linkLabell->Location = System: : Drawing:: Point (64, 17); this->linkLabell->Name = L linkLabell ; ->linkLabell->Size = System::Drawing::Size(55, 17); 1.is->linkLabell->TabIndex = 5; his->linkLabell->TabStop = true; (iis->linkLabell->Text = L linkLabell ; this->linkLabell->UseCompatibleTextRendering = true; tllis->linkLabell->LinkClicked += gcnew Sys- [tera::Windows: :Forms: :LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler (this, ItFoml: :linkLabell LinkClicked l); [ button2 this->button2->Location = System:: Drawing: : Point (106, 47); I this->button2->Name = L button2 ; this->button2->Size = System: :Drawing: :Size(114, 45); this->button2->TabIndex = 6; this->button2->Text = L Сформировать множество ссьшок\г\п ; this->button2->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; [this->button2->Click += gcnew System: :EventHandler (this, SForml::button2 Click); II textBoxl this->textBoxl->Location = System::Drawing::Point(19, 113); this->textBoxl->Multiline = true; this->textBoxl->Name = L textBoxl ; this->textBoxl->Size System::Drawing::Size(186, 81); this->textBoxl->TabIndex =7; textBox2 this->textBox2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(227, 115); this->textBox2->Multiline = true; this->textBox2->Name = L textBox2 ; this->textBox2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(196, 79); this->textBox2->TabIndex = 8; labeil this->labell->AutoSize = true; this->labell->Location = System::Drawing::Point(42, 98); this->labell->Name = L labell ; this->labell->Size = System::Drawing::Size(136, 13); this->labell->TabIndex = 9; this->labell->Text = Ь 3адание адресов ссьшок\г\п ; . label2 this->label2->AutoSize = true; this->label2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(212, 98); this->label2->Name = L label2 ; this->label2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(233, 13); this->label2->TabIndex = 10; this->label2->Text = Ь Формирование свойства Text гиперссылки\г\п ;
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