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Коды ошибок MySQL 589

Код Описание

1098 Cant generate а unique logTfilename %-.648.(1-Ш9)\п

1099 Tabl .64s was locked with a READ lock and cant be updated 110 e *%-.64s was not locketh LOCK TABLES

1101 BLOB column 64s cant have a default value

1102 Incorrect database name *%-.IOOs Incorrect table name

The SELECT would examine too many records and probably take a very longtime. Check your WHERE and use SET OPTION SQL BIG SELECTS=1 if the SELECT is ok

1105 Unknown error

1106 Unknownprocedure%-.64s

1107 Incorrect parameter count to

1108 Incorrect parameters to procedure %-.64s

Unknown table in

Column specified twice

1111 Invalid use of group function

Table uses an extension that doesnt exist in this MySQL version

A table must have at least 1 column

The table is full

Unknown character set: 1116 Too many tables. MySQL can only us %d tables in ajoin

Too many columns

1118 Too big row size. The maximum row size, not counting ШВв, %d. You

have to change some fields to BLOBs

1119 Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use mysqld -O thread stack=# to specify a bigger stack if needed


Cross dependency found in OUTERJOIN. Examine your ON conditions

Код Описание

1121 Column .€4s is used with UNIQUE or INDEX but is not defined as NOTNULL

1122 Cant load function %-.64s

1123 Cant initialize %-.64s; .80s No paths allowed for shared library Function already exists

1126 Cant open shared library %-.64s (errno: %d %-.64s)

1127 Cannd function .64s in library

1128 Function .64s is not defined

1129 Hos 64s is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with


Host is not a llowed to connect to this MySQL server

You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords

You must have privileges to update tables in the database to be able

to change passwords for others

Cant find any matching row in the user table

1134 Rows matched: %ldChanged: %ld Warnings: %ld

1135 Cant create a new thread (errno %d). If you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possibleOS-dependent bug

Column count doesnt match value count at row %ld

1137 Cant reopen table:%-.64s*

1138 Invalid NULL value Got from

Mixing of GROUP columns with no GROUP

columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause 1И1 There is no such grant defined for use .32s on host %-.64s

1142 %-.16s command denied to user %-.64s* for table %-.64s

Код1 ошибок MySQL 591

Код Описание

1143 %-.16s command denied to user: %-.32s@%-.64s for column %-.64s irt table %-.64s

1144 Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command. Please consult the manual for which privileges can be used

1145 The host or user argument to GRANT is too long

1146 Tabl 64s* doesnt exist

1147 There is no such grant defined for user on host on table %-.64s

The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

1149 You have an error in your SQL syntax

1150 Delayed insert thread couldnt get requested lock for table %-.64s -

1151 Too many delayed threads in use

1152 Aborted connection %ld -.64s user .32s (%-.64s)

Got a packet bigger than

Got a read error from the connection pipe

1155 Got an error from fcntl()

1156 Got packets out of order

Couldnt uncompress communication packet Got an error reading communication packets Got timeout reading communicationpackets

1160 Got an error writing communication packets

1161 Got timeout writing communication packets

1162 Result string is longer than max allowed packet

1163 The used table type doesnt support BLOBEXT columns

The used table type doesnt support columns

1165 INSERT DELAYED nt be used with tabl 64s, because it is locked with LOCK TABLES

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