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Приложение Г Описание базы данных bookbiz Ниже описывается база данных bookbiz, которая содержит таблицы authors, publishers, roysched, titleauthors, titles, editors, titleditors, sales и salesdetails. Содержащаяся в базе данных информация представлена в форме таблиц, кроме того, приводится соответствующий ей код SQL с операторами CREATE и INSERT. ТАБЛИЦЫ в заголовках таблиц указывается тип данных столбцов и их нулевой статус. Также отмечаются индексированные столбцы. Publishers | pubJd char(4) not | pub name | address | city | state | null | varchar(40) | varchr(40) | varchar(20) | char(2) | | null | null | null | null | unique index | | | | | pubind | | | | | 0736 | New Age Books | 1 1st St | Boston | | 0877 | Binnet s Hardley | 2 2nd Ave. | Washington | | 1389 | Algodata Infosystems | 3 3rd Dr. | Berkeley | |
authors | auJd char(ll) not null | aujname varchar(40} not null | aujname varchar(20) not null | phone chart 12) null | address varchar(40) null | city varchar(ZO) null | state char(2) null | char(5) null | unique index auidind | composite index aunmind | | | | | | 409-56-7008 | Bennet | Abraham | 415 658-9932 | 6223 Bateman St. | Berkeley | | 94705 | 213-46-8915 | Green | Marjorie | 415 986-7020 | 309 63rd St. 411 | Oakland | | 94618 | 238-95-7766 | Carson | Cheryl | 415 548-7723 | 589 Darwin Ln. | Berkeley | | 94705 | 998-72-3567 | Ringer | Albert | 801 826-0752 | 67 Seventh Av. | Salt Lake City | | 84152 | 899-46-2035 | Ringer | Anne | 801 826-0752 | 67 Seventh Av. | Salt Lake City | | 84152 | 722-51-5454 | DeFrance | Michel | 219 547-9982 | 3 Balding PI. | Gary | | 46403 | 807-91-6654 | Panteley | Sylvia | 301 946-8853 | 1956 Arlington PI. | Rockville | | 20853 | 893-72-1158 | McBadden | Heather | 707 448-4982 | 301 Putnam | Vacaville | | 95688 | 724-08-9931 | Stringer | Dirk | 415 843-2991 | 5420 Telegraph Av. | Oakland | | 94609 | 274-80-9391 | Straight | Dick | 415 834-2919 | 5420 College Av. | Oakland | | 94609 | 756-30-7391 | Karsen | Livia | 415 534-9219 | 5720 McAuley St. | Oakland | | 94609 | 724-80-9391 | MacFeather | Stearns | 415 354-7128 | 44 Dpland Hts. | Oakland | | 94612 | 427-17-2319 | Dull | | 415 836-7128 | 3410 Blonde St. | Palo Alto | | 94301 | 672-71-3249 | Yokomoto | Akiko | 415 935-4228 | 3 Silver Ct. | Walnut Creek | | 94595 | 267-41-2394 | OLeary | Michael | 408 286-2428 | 22 Cleveland Av. П4 | San Jose | | 95128 | 472-27-2349 | Gringlesby | Burt | 707 938-6445 | PC Box 792 | Covelo | | 95428 | 527-72-3246 | Greene | Morningstar | 615 297-2723 | 22 Graybar House Rd. | Nashville | | 37215 | 172-32-1176 | White | Johnson | 408 496-7223 | 10932 Bigge Rd. | Menlo Park | | 94025 | 712-45-1867 | del Castillo | Innes | 615 996-8275 | 2286 Cram PI. 86 | Ann Arbor | | 48105 | 846-92-7186 | Hunter | Sheryl | 415 836-7128 | 3410 Blonde St. | Palo Alto | | 94301 | 486-29-1786 | Locksley | Chastity | 415 585-4620 | 18 Broadway Av. | San Francisco | | 94130 | 648-92-1872 | Blotchet-Halls | Reginald | 503 745-6402 | 55 Hillsdale Bl. | Corvallis | | 97330 | 341-22-1782 | Smith | Meander | 913 843-0462 | 10 Misisipi Dr. | Lawrence | | 66044 |
tmes | title id har(6) not null | title varchar(80) not null | type chard 2) null | pubJd char(4) null | price money null | advance money null | ytd sales null | contract bit not null | notes varchar(200) null | puljdate date null | unique index titleidind | index titleind | | | | | | | | | feme | Secrets of Silicon Valley | popular co mp | 1389 | | 8000 | 4095 | | Muckraking reporting on the worlds largest computer hardware and software manufacturers. | Jun 12 1985 12:00AN | BO1032 | The Busy Executives Database Guide | business | 1389 | 19,99 | 5000 | 4095 | | An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. | Jun 12 1985 12:00AII | PS7777 | Emotional Security: A Nev Algorithm | psychology | 0736 | 7,99 | 4000 | 3336 | | Protecting yourself and your loved ones from undue emotional stress in the modern world. Use of computer and nutritional aids emphasized. | Jun 12 1985 12:00AM | PS3333 | Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies | psychology | 0736 | 19,99 | 2000 | 4072 | | What happens when the data runs dry? Searching evaluations of information-shortage effects. | Jun 12 1985 12:00АИ | BUllll | Cooking with Computers: Surreptitiou s Balance Sheets | business | 1389 | 11,95 | 5000 | 3876 | | Helpful hints on how to use your electronic resources to the best advantage. | Jun 9 1985 12:00AM | MC2222 | Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats | mod cook | 0877 | 19,99 | | 2032 | | Favorite recipes for quick, easy, and elegant meals tried and tested by people who never have time to eat, let alone cook. | Jun 9 1985 12:00AM | TC7777 | Sushi, Anyone? | trad cook | 0877 | 14,99 | 80O0 | 4095 | | Detailed instructions on improving your position in life by learning how to make authentic Japanese sushi in your spare time. 5-lOt increase in number of friends per recipe reported from beta test. | Jun 12 1985 12:00SH | TC4203 | Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens | trad cook | 0877 | 11,95 | 4000 | 15096 | | More anecdotes from the Queens favorite cook describing life among English royalty. Recipes, techniques, tender vignettes. | Jun 12 1985 12;00AM |
titles | title Id har(6) not null | title varchariSO) not null | type chard 2) null | pubJd char(4) null | price money null | advance money null | ytd sales null | contract bit not null | notes varchar(200) null | pubdate date null | unique index titleldind | Index titleind | | | | | | | | | PC1035 | But Is It User Friendly? | popular CO mp | 1389 | 22,95 | 7000 | 8780 | | A survey of software for the naive user, focusing on the friendliness of each. | Jun 30 1985 12:00AM | HC3026 | Psychology of Computer Cooking | NULL | 0877 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | NULL | NULL | BU2075 | rou Can Combat Computer Stress 1 | business | 0736 | 2,99 | 10125 | 18722 | | The latest medical and psychological techniques for living with the electronic office. Easy-to-understand explanations. | Jun 30 1985 12:00AM | PS2091 | Is Anger the Enemy? | psychology | 0736 | 10,95 | 2275 | 2045 | | Carefully researched study of the effects of strong emotions on the body. Metabolic charts included. | Jun 15 1985 12:00AM | PS2106 | Life Without Fear | psychology | 0736 | | 6000 | | | New exercise, meditation, and nutritional techniques that can reduce the shock of daily interactions. Popular audience. Sample menus included,exerci se video available separately. | Oct 5 1985 12:O0AH | MC3021 | The Gourmet Microwave | mod cook | 0877 | 2,99 | 15000 | 22246 | | Traditional French gourmet recipes adapted for modern microwave cooking. | Jun 18 1985 12:00AM | TC3218 | Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranea n | trad cook | 0877 | 20,95 | 7000 | | | Profusely illustrated in color, this makes a wonderful gift book for a cuisine-oriented friend. | Oct 21 1985 12:00AM | B07832 | Straight Talk About Computers | business | 1389 | 19,99 | 5000 | 4095 | | Annotated analysis of what computers can do for you: a no-hype guide for the critical user. | Jun 22 1985 12:00AM | PS1372 | Computer Phobic and Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations | psychology | 0736 | 21,59 | 7000 | | | A Bust for the specialist, this book examines the difference between those who hate and fear computers and those who think they are swell. | Oct 21 1985 12:00AM | PC9999 | Etiquette | popular co mp | 1389 | NULL | HULL | NULL | | A must-read for computer conferencing debutantes!. | NULL |